Please... be gentle

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by MickeyBabe, Nov 16, 2006.

  1. MickeyBabe

    MickeyBabe Member

    Gee... I don't think I have ever done this before, so please, be gentle. ;)

    Hi... I'm Valerie and I found this site though

    I have loved photography for a long time. I dabbled with my sister's old 35mm camera when I was in high school, enjoying the entire process including developing prints.

    After that, I had to return her camera and ended up with a "point and shoot" for many years.

    About 4 years ago my wonderful husband bought me a brand spanking new SLR camera and an additional zoom lens the following year. I really enjoyed playing with that, but not having the equipment to develop my photos, I had them done through retail and began having a disc made from the shots. (A little expensive to play much)

    Eventually, I mentioned that to have a nice digital camera for my Disney trips would be great, since I travel the parks as light as possible and the SLR didn't fit into my touring style.

    Enter my Nikon CoolPix 4300. The freedom that digital cameras give you, for selection and print options as well as editing, special effects and experimenting with composition is great fun, even though I don't get to play anywhere near as much as I would like.

    So... long story short (I know, too late ::) LOL) I am thrilled that Tim started this forum and I look forward to being here as it grows :)

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  2. DisneyDame

    DisneyDame Member

    Nice to see you here, Valerie!

    I remember hanging out with a friend of mine in high school, watching her develop pictures. So incredible to see what could appear on the blank piece of paper!

    Me, though, I didn't even have the patience to wait for a Polaroid to develop. :-\

    See you around the boards! :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  3. LouMongello

    LouMongello Member

    Well hello there!!!! Let me join in welcoming you to Timmy's little corner of the world!

    Now that your here, the party can REALLY get started!!! ;)

    I have no place here, with my little "point-and-click-and-pray-for-no-red-eye" camera, but hey, it's free, all the cool kids are here, so why not, eh?

  4. SteveN73

    SteveN73 Member

    Welcome Valerie!
  5. Welcome to the Jungle! ;D
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  6. barrie

    barrie Member

    Hi Valerie - Nice to meet you! What's Barrie

    Edited to add: Oh - you must mean Disney World Trivia!
  7. MickeyBabe

    MickeyBabe Member

    Thank you all for the kind welcomes. ;D

    I have really been enjoying your photos and the discussions here are very interesting and informative.

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